Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Management and the Cultural Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Management and the Cultural Industries - Essay Example Most experts say that larger corporations have the resources to cater to a large target market; it is the smaller independent producers who are responsible for catering to all the individual needs of the community. To understand this concept we will first look at the importance of this sector in the US economy. The US economy has been chosen because it has an abundance of small individual producers as well as large organizations and both have a significant impact on the consumption patterns of the population. Small businesses are generally the driving force behind most local economies. They contribute to the society by selling their products to customers, products that people need. They also provide employment opportunities to people, which can become reasonable career paths and choices. "Small business drives the American economy," said Dr. Chad Moutray, Chief Economist for the Office of Advocacy in a press release. "Main Street provides the jobs and spurs our economic growth. Ameri can entrepreneurs are creative and productive, and these numbers prove it." The cultural workers and their understandings are also very quintessential within the relevant scheme of things because these bring about a vital change in the working dynamics of the business realms and discuss how success could be made a vital part of the organizational setups (Logue, 2001). The argument against this is that large businesses have the financial backing to keep the business profitable even in the face of intense competition. Larger companies are more prepared to take on risk and are prepared to fail. This tendency allows them to make bolder decisions and be more aggressive in tackling opportunities. Successful businesspeople invest in expert advice. As a result, they make better decisions and take the right actions, for what they need to achieve. This investment allows them to not only learn from their past mistakes but make the best possible decisions in the future. Whatever differentiates the large businesses from the small ones, the fact remains that the businesses need to be run in a manner that incites growth, development and productivity across the board. This shall bear a great amount of positive results at the end of the day. Small businesses often are underestimated for the revenue they generate, and therefore they are considered inferior to the large conglomerates. This is however still questionable and we can see how exactly small companies benefit from this increased competition. The small business realms are large ones if they are handled in a proper way. What this implies is the fact that whole-hearted and concerted efforts and endeavors will win the small businesses what they aspire the most, and how success will come about with the advent of change within the technological manifestations which are taking place on a constant basis. How Small Businesses can effectively compete with the Larger Corporations? As we have seen above, the small business sector is really competitive even in this global economy, however now we must identify how this is possible. One of the biggest resources that companies can use is information technology, where companies can seem more professional to their customers. Using proper information technology tools and resources even small business can expand their customer base and carry out business outside their own
Segmentation and Targeting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Segmentation and Targeting - Research Paper Example Starbucks coffee and Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee company are used as the bases of reference. Target markets for Starbucks coffee and Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee Starbucks coffee targets a general local market. Its initial target market was young college students, neighborhoods and social classes that would spend time with friends at their stores and gladly accept the idea of buying a $3 a cup of coffee. The initial focus included small towns, ethnic neighborhoods, highway rest shops, rural communities and even towns saturated with coffee shops. As a result of rapid growth, this target market has expanded quickly to include local buyers of all ages. On the other hand, the Jamaica Blue Mountain focuses on the export market. Its main target market is Japan though it wants to expand to include Canada. How the choice of target market influences the company's promotion and pricing A company has to consider the buying power of its market. Miller (2006) explains that customers have differe nt disposable income and this means they are different in terms of their sensitivity to prices. Market segmentation is therefore important in determining if a company can raise its prices or not. If the company has to raise its prices, the type of target market will determine the level to which the company will raise its average prices. If the target market is very sensitive to prices, then a company could consider dropping its prices slightly so as to gain an extra market share. If it is insensitive to prices, then a slight increase for purposes of increasing profits margins will benefit since the increase will be indiscernible. According to Aaker et al (2000), the type of target market also determines promotion methods used. A company has to choose the promotion methods that will enable it to reach its target market quickly and adequately. Alternative methods include the TV, radio, billboards, direct marketing mail shot or the Internet. At the same time, the company has to conside r how competitors do their promotions. They should then evaluate the efficiency of these methods and compare with those they use or intend to use. The type of target market also determines the frequency of these promotions. For example, markets that are highly competitive require frequent promotions in order to retain customer loyalty. Effects of introducing a new target market on consumer perceptions A company can introduce a new target market in a market that is already captured by its competitor. For example, Starbucks coffee can start producing brands for export to Japan, a market segment that is already captured by Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. According to Kotler (2003) the perception here will be that the company has performed well in terms of pricing and its expansion is a sign that it is now focusing on the quality of its products and expansion of its image. As a result of this, customers will tend to associate more with the company products so as to enjoy the anticipated h igh quality products and form part of this international or wide region market. The influenced of economic changes on purchase trends of customers The customers will not be influenced by changes in the economy because they will have already formed a perception that the company is already working on the quality of its products. This means that at fair prices, they will be enjoying more quality products and variety as well. This situation is reinforced by the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Othello protagonist Essay Example for Free
Othello protagonist Essay The protagonist of the play, Othello is a man trapped by his own weaknesses rather than a victim of circumstance. Even though the situations that Othello finds himself in are not ideal and contribute to his downfall, it is his own fatal flaws that end up destroying him. In act 3 scene 3 Iago starts to plant a seed of doubt in Othelloââ¬â¢s mind about his wife Desdemona and her infidelity. Iago proceeds to ask Othello, ââ¬Å"Did Michael Cassio, when you wooed my lady, know of you love? â⬠This question immediately causes Othello to become suspicious. Iago then follows with a series of rhetorical questions that enrage Othello as well increase the doubt that is building up in his mind. By the end of this scene we see one of Othelloââ¬â¢s weaknesses present itself, jealousy. This particular flaw becomes one of the major contributions to Othelloââ¬â¢s downfall. By the end of the play jealousy has clouded his judgment and taken over his perspective on everything. At first Othello insists that he needs proof of the alleged affair but quickly changes his mind. ââ¬Å"Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage. Act 4 scene 1, Iago informs Othello that Desdemona and Cassio have slept together and he has seen that she has given Cassio the handkerchief Othello gave her when they first fell in love. All this news that Iago keeps telling him sends Othello off into a rant, ââ¬Å"Isââ¬â¢t possible? Confess? Handkerchief? O devil! â⬠After this his falls into a trance. This is the moment when all Othelloââ¬â¢s insecurities, fears and aversions as well as the obvious lack of judgment that a leader is assumed to have combine to create this kind of epileptic fit. In this scene stage directions are used to help the reader understand what is going on for a dramatic effect. Two of Othelloââ¬â¢s flaws that cause this downfall are passion and gullibility. These feelings enabled Iago fill his head with lies that caused him to get so worked up that he lost control. In act 5 scene 1 Iago had convinced Othello that he would kill Cassio and that Othello had to kill Desdemona. Othello begins this scene with a soliloquy, reflecting and attempting to justify his decision to kill her. Othello refers to Desdemona as light. ââ¬Å"Put out the light and then put out he lightâ⬠. So sweet we neââ¬â¢er so fatal. â⬠Othello describes how she was so sweet but her actions caused so much pain. Before he kills her, Othello makes sure she has prayed or confessed so that she will go to heaven. ââ¬Å"I will not kill thy unprepared spirit. â⬠Othelloââ¬â¢s blind faith in Iago is the flaw that leads all his other weaknesses to rise to the surfac e and in the end the inevitable happens. Othello, once a great man, falls. Desdemona speak for one last time in the play. ââ¬Å"A guiltless death I die. â⬠This quote enforces the reality of what has just taken place. This innocent woman was a victim because of another manââ¬â¢s weakness. In this play it is clear what jealousy and misguided trust can do to a person. These weaknesses, along with others, are the reason for Othelloââ¬â¢s downfall. Each flaw produced another weakness or doubt. The fact that Othello was manipulated to be part of Iagoââ¬â¢s plan for revenge only accelerated the speed of his demise. The fatal mix of passion, jealousy, insecurity as well as how easily he could be manipulated caused Othello to be a man snared by his own weaknesses.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Introduction To Forensic Science
Introduction To Forensic Science Over the past decades, Forensic science has evolved and has been embraced by most states as a vital constituent of modern legal practice. It is widely used in courts as a major source for the outcome of a verdict. Forensic science has attained a merit of its own although it is relatively new in the jurisprudence world. As technology and science have evolved with time, more and new methodologies and practices in law realm have been established. In United States (U.S.) specifically, the application of utilizing forensic analysis has become a routine (James,2009). The rate at which forensic evidence is used in criminal courts depends on the type of offence. For example, for murder cases forensic science evidence is presented almost always. In criminal cases, a prosecution team commissions most of the forensic assignments. On the other hand, the legal team of the defendant can commission forensic assignments to challenge or check the prosecutions forensic evidence or to determine the innocence of the defendant. Forensic evidence has enabled to link offenders to their victims and crime scenes using physical evidence and also in identifying individuals without peer. With perspiration, a fleck of blood, saliva on a cups rim, a piece of hair among others has been successfully used to link a suspect to a crime. Innocent and wrongly accused individuals have been exonerated using such evidences. Persons who have been jailed for years have later been exonerated after DNA analysis has been carried out to prove their innocence. To yield positive results, crime laboratories have enforced professionalism, adopted reliable procedures and coordinated with both the legal and the scientific communities. Presently, for a scientific system to be accepted before a court, the evidence derived from it does not have to go through a prescribed test. For future admissibility of scientific evidence in court to be shaped, development of more newer and advanced forensic tools and techniques is being embraced as technology and time progresses. Thus, courts are increasingly relying more on scientific evidence to deliver a judgment. Problems Associated with Forensic Science and DNA Evidence. Evidences of forensic science should always be neutral. Scientists should not have any stake in the case outcome though this is not always the case. Numerous deficiencies have threatened to limit forensic services to the society and have therefore weakened its presumed scientific foundation. Below are some of the major problems in forensic science and DNA testing: Astounding Frequency of Cross-Contamination and Sample Mix-Ups A surprisingly high rate of errors in the laboratory is one of the emerging problems which involves cross-contamination and mix-up of DNA samples. Such errors appear to be persistent and crop up even in the accredited DNA labs. The forensic scientists though have managed to reduce such instances and thus the rate of DNA testing errors have been claimed to be low thus negligible, but growing evidence suggests otherwise. Bad Laboratories Uneven state of forensic DNA labs is another recognized chronic problem. Labs differ significantly in the care with which they authenticate their methods and the severity with which they are carried out. Procedures that are followed religiously in quality assurance and quality control in some laboratories are disregarded or followed constantly in others. Bad laboratories have always been there but detection of their shoddy work has always been complex (Neubauer, 2009),. This is because such labs are in jurisdictions which have traditionally safeguarded crime labs from external examination. For example according to Strutin: It is now recognized that the Houston Police Department (HPD) Crime laboratory did grossly inadequate incompetent and biased DNA and serology work for well over a decade before a team of television journalists exposed the problems in late 2002. Dishonest DNA Analysts Test results are at times falsified by deceitful DNA Analysts. This emerging problem has led to the analysts faking test outcome to cover up errors that come up from sample mix-ups and cross-contamination of DNA samples. Connecting the evidence and the suspect Nuclear DNA analysis being an exception, there is no other forensic method that has severely shown the capacity to persistently, with a high degree of assurance, exhibit a connection between a specific individual or source and the evidence. For instance, fingerprint analyses have more available research and conventional protocols than for bite marks analysis. There are also notable variations within the disciplines. For instance, all fingerprints evidence is not equally good reason being that the determination of a true value evidence is the latent fingerprint image quality. These disparities within and between the forensic systems disciplines bring to light a serious problem in the forensic community. Inadequate legal counsel is another major problem DNA testing will not solve. In some instances, defense counsel never consulted scientific experts. DNA Analysis in the forensic science is taking a slow speed on its road to admissibility. Insufficient funds are evident in certain jurisdictions and they therefore cannot send evidence items to private labs or establish own lab. Labs that perform tests have often had backlogs measured in months. A great burden is imposed by defense counsel, prosecutors and courts on labs time in discovery battles that often transpire when there are upcoming new techniques on forensic scenes. Though valuable forensic DNA evidence can be found in decades old samples, the DNA left in scenes of crime can be affected by factors like: sunlight, bacteria, moisture and heat among others. As a result, such DNA may not be used to give evidence and just like the fingerprints, analysts will not use DNA testing to give the time period when a suspect was at the scene of crime or at what time the suspect was there. Exoneration Based on DNA Evidence Cases that would have been impossible to prosecute before the arrival of DNA typing are now prosecuted. A number of states created DNA data bases on offenders that are known which they compare against unsettled crimes. Matches are provided from their databases which assist to successfully prosecute a handful of them. Persons wrongly convicted are exonerated by use of DNA which is termed as a legislative reform movement. Convictions can be successfully challenged using DNA analysis on existing evidence. To ensure that testimony and results can withstand rigorous examination and that they are of high caliber, high standards are maintained for the collection and preserving of evidence. DNA methodology of testing must also meet precise scientific criteria for accuracy and reliability. In future, we expect miniaturized portable instrumentation to provide crime scene analysis that will be computer-link remote analysis. This will allow quick identification and rapid elimination of innocent suspects. Availability of markers will also be needed to identify physical qualities of the DNA contributor. Using this information, it will be easy to narrow a suspect search with increase in efficiency and accuracy of operation. Conclusion It is clear that the United States justice system depends on the use of natural science-based forensic evidence, and admissibility is simply one of the steps evidence must satisfy to be utilized in the justice system. In the near future, it is very likely that the admissibility of science as evidence will be challenged in the United States Supreme Court as technology develops and allows researchers to gain precise results and understanding of the human body. At the present, it is too early to determine whether the Federal Rules of Evidence are outdated, however this does not mean that the construct of the legislation should not be reexamined. Forensic analysis, though controversial in many aspects, constitutes a primary source of information for the tier of fact when determining a verdict for a case. Thus, natural science-based forensic evidence should be carefully studied and examined thoroughly in order for justice to be properly achieved.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Disturbing Role of Television in Accidents and Deaths Involving Children :: Term Papers Research
The Disturbing Role of Television in Accidents and Deaths Involving Children Imagine being a mother or a father standing in the kitchen doing dishes when out of nowhere a familiar scream hits your ears. The first thing you do is ask yourself ââ¬Å"Where are my kids?â⬠The phone rings and your next-door neighbor informs you that he/she has called 911 and you should come right away. You slam down the phone and in a panic you run down your walk across the street, arriving just as the ambulance backs into the drive. Next thing you know your 11-year-old son Billy, broken and bleeding, is being sped to the hospital. Far-fetched, as this story may seem it is happening more and more everyday. Billy got hurt because he and his friends were re-enacting a move they had seen on WWF the night before. Does television really influence good kids to do bad things? The answer is yes depending on the type of program and its content. At a young age children absorb everything they see and hear including things that adults see as minor, or non-influential. Television can do several things, create ideas in a childââ¬â¢s mind, pacify physical energy that could be used productively, tell children that unacceptable behavior is ok, and that humans are invincible. All of these ideas are false and can lead to destructive behavior and circumstances, and in some cases death. ââ¬Å"The statistical correlation between childhood exposure to violence in media and aggressive behavior is about the same as that between smoking and lung cancerâ⬠(Atkinson, Michael. 59) (put a period after the parenthetical citation, and only include the authorââ¬â¢s last name and page number in parentheses) We all know that for anyone who smokes a great deal lung cancer is almost inevitable, this causes great concern because most children spend much of their spare time in front of the television or playing video games. (make more explicit the connection between the effects of smoking and the effects of watching too much TV) Many childhood accidents related to television are in the form of copycat crimes says Michael Atkinson in his article ââ¬Å"The movies made me do itâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Copycat crimes have attained front-burner notoriety, and some day soon Hollywoodââ¬â¢s liberty will be pitted against the perceived welfare of American childrenâ⬠(58). Many chil drenââ¬â¢s cartoons such as ââ¬Å"X Menâ⬠and ââ¬Å"PokeMonâ⬠tend to be very violent and anger oriented, (semicolon) therefore when children copycat what they see often times they end up hurting themselves or someone else, possibly even causing death.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Stephen Vincent Benet :: essays research papers
Stephen Vincent Benet à à à à à Only in a time when the pressure of the world amounts to angst and the fight for freedom can a world advance in it's literary achievements. A writer, just like an artist, builds his creations from the mood and settings of the surrounding atmosphere. In the first half of the twentieth century, the atmosphere was filled with resources to stimulate literary creativity, such as the second World War and the Great Depression (Roache 102: 14). The social genre of the time gave way to the broad appeal to American life and the focus of freedom leading to original stories and historical themes (Folsom 3: 953). Of course, the past would remain a constant influence. Some common topics were the Civil War and the settlement of western U.S. frontier life (Magill 1: 174). Stephen Vincent Benet took all these factors into mind during his life as a twentieth century writer/poet. Keeping the times, the life, and the literature of Stephen Vincent Benet a major part of his influence and achievements, he helped push America towards a united cultural victory. à à à à à Stephen Vincent Benet was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to James Walker Benet, a career military officer, and Francis Neill Rose Benet on the twenty-second of July 1898 (Roache 102: 11, 13). He described himself as a positive-thinking and modest man, who is thin, attractive, vivacious, whereas his wife and his mother-in-law would consider him a plain, tall, large biter-of- nails who carries a foolish expression, but whose intellect is too much for words (Parsekian 1). à à à à à He couldn't have been too foolish of a person due to his positive upbringing. Benet's parents planned for him to be a success in whatever he chose to do. Their open-mindedness encouraged him to explore books and ideas in a professional state., as well as to appreciate and take literature and history very seriously (Roache 102: 13). Because of this upbringing, all three Benet children became poets and authors. (Stephen Vincent Benet was the youngest of them.) Much influence over the Benets came from love for the country because James' military work called for traveling between Georgia, California, Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania (Griffith 11). à à à à à Benet's education shows how successful he really was. He entered Yale University at 17 years old, when he published his first book. About that time, he became professional with New York writers (Roache 102: 13). Stephen Vincent Benet earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1919 and his Master of Arts degree in 1920 at Yale before accepting a fellowship to Paris where he could live cheaply and write his first novel and would later find his wife.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Pitfalls of Title IX :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Pitfalls of Title IX Living with a family that includes three very athletic sisters and me, I attend a number of girls/woman's sports and in a few cases, boy's sports. Nothing makes me happier than to see my 11-year-old sister tackle some little smart-ass boy who thinks that the only thing she should be doing is playing with dolls. Or to hear my other two sisters brag about how they both pinned boys in their younger years of wrestling, even though the kid probably never stepped on a mat again. I would like to see each of my sisters go on to have very successful careers in both athletics and in the economic world. I believe that Title IX is doing this job, but I am sure that this can be gone about in another way. What eurchs me the most is that in order for my dream of my sisters to become so successful in sports, men's sports have to be cut. This means that the opportunities that many young men have put so much time into are not available to them because of Title IX(every source that I have but one or tw o). In 1972, Congress passed the Educational Amendments. One section of this law, Title IX, prohibits discrimination against girls and women in federally funded education, including in athletics programs(Empowering). Since 1972, the number of women athletes that were attending college was represented by only 15% compared to a study taken in 1995 that showed that 37% were competing in college athletics while attending college. In the years 1992-1996 woman gained 23,166 participants in 17 different intercollegiate sports. In the same years, men only gained 12,518 in 21 different sports. The problem is that in many of these 21 men's sports there are a negative number of participants. In the same years and the same study, there was about 1,160 woman's teams added to college sports. In the same study there was a gain of 576 men's teams which again there was a negative number of teams added in many sports(Riley). There has been multiple men's sports cut while over the same period of time woman 's sports has done a nine fold. So, women are catching up to men's athletics, but they are doing it in the wrong type of manner. Men's sports are being cut to get this equity(Powers). In 1996, the Clinton administration
Blood Promise Chapter Twenty-Seven
I didn't recognize the guy Sydney sent to meet us when we reached Novosibirsk, but he had the same golden tattoo that she did. He was sandy-haired and in his thirties-and human, of course. He looked competent and trustworthy, and as I leaned against the car, he laughed and spoke to the elderly couple like they'd been best friends forever. There was a professional and reassuring air about him, and soon they were smiling too. I'm not sure what he told them, maybe that I was his wayward daughter or something, but they apparently felt good enough to leave me in his hands. I supposed with their jobs, the Alchemist charm in action. When the old man and woman drove off, his demeanor shifted slightly. He didn't seem as cold as Sydney initially had, but there was no laughing or joking with me. He'd become distinctly businesslike, and I couldn't help but think of the stories of men in black, the people who cleaned up after extraterrestrial encounters in order to keep the world ignorant of the truth. ââ¬Å"Can you walk?â⬠he asked, eyeing me up and down. ââ¬Å"Unclear at this time,â⬠I replied. It turned out I could, just not very well. With his help, I eventually ended up at a town house over in a residential part of the city. I was bleary-eyed and barely able to stay on my feet by that point. There were other people there, but none of them registered. The only thing that mattered was the bedroom someone took me to. I mustered enough strength at that point to break free of the arm supporting me and do a face-plant right in the middle of the bed. I fell asleep instantly. I awoke to bright sunshine filling my room and voices speaking in hushed tones. Considering everything that I'd been through, I wouldn't have been surprised to see Dimitri, Tatiana, or even Dr. Olendzki from the Academy there. Instead, it was Abe's bearded face that looked down at me, the light making all of his jewelry gleam. For a moment, his face blurred, and all I saw was dark, dark water-water that threatened to wash me away. Dimitri's last words echoed in my head: That's what I was supposed to sayâ⬠¦ He'd understood that I wanted to hear that he loved me. What would have happened if we'd had a few moments more? Would he have said those words? Would he have meant them? And would it have mattered? With the same resolve I'd mustered before, I parted the waters swirling in my mind, ordering myself to push aside last night as long as I could. I would drown if I thought about it. Now I had to swim. Abe's face came back into focus. ââ¬Å"Greetings, Zmey,â⬠I said weakly. Somehow, him being here didn't surprise me. Sydney would have had to tell her superiors about me, who in turn would have told Abe. ââ¬Å"Nice of you to slither on in.â⬠He shook his head, wearing a rueful smile. ââ¬Å"I think you've outdone me when it comes to sneaking around dark corners. I thought you were on your way back to Montana.â⬠ââ¬Å"Next time, make sure you write a few more details into your bargains. Or just pack me up and send me back to the U.S. for real.â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh,â⬠he said, ââ¬Å"that's exactly what I intend to do.â⬠He kept smiling as he said it, but somehow, I had a feeling he wasn't joking. And suddenly, I no longer feared that fate. Going home was starting to sound good. Mark and Oksana walked over to stand beside him. Their presence was unexpected but welcome. They smiled too, faces melancholy but relieved. I sat up in bed, surprised I could move at all. ââ¬Å"You healed me,â⬠I said to Oksana. ââ¬Å"I still hurt, but I don't feel like I'm going to die, which I have to think is an improvement.â⬠She nodded. ââ¬Å"I did enough to make sure you weren't in immediate danger. I figured I could do the rest when you woke up.â⬠I shook my head. ââ¬Å"No, no. I'll recover on my own.â⬠I always hated it when Lissa healed me. I didn't want her wasting the strength on me. I also didn't want her inviting spirit's side effects. Lissaâ⬠¦ I jerked the covers off of me. ââ¬Å"Oh my God! I have to get home. Right now.â⬠Immediately, three pairs of arms blocked my way. ââ¬Å"Hold on,â⬠said Mark. ââ¬Å"You aren't going anywhere. Oksana only healed you a little. You're a long way from being recovered.â⬠ââ¬Å"And you still haven't told us what happened,â⬠said Abe, eyes as shrewd as ever. He was someone who needed to know everything, and the mysteries around me probably drove him crazy. ââ¬Å"There's no time! Lissa's in trouble. I have to get back to school.â⬠It was all coming back to me. Lissa's erratic behavior and crazy stunts, driven by some kind of compulsion-or super-compulsion, I supposed, seeing as Avery had been able to shove me out of Lissa's head. ââ¬Å"Oh, now you want to go back to Montana?â⬠exclaimed Abe. ââ¬Å"Rose, even if there was a plane waiting for you out in the other room, that's a twenty hour trip, at minimum. And you're in no condition to go anywhere.â⬠I shook my head, still trying to get on my feet. After what I'd faced last night, this group wasn't that much of a threat-well, maybe Mark was-but I could hardly start throwing punches. And yeah, I still wasn't sure what Abe could do. ââ¬Å"You don't get it! Someone's trying to kill Lissa or hurt her orâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Well, I didn't really understand what Avery wanted. All I knew was that Avery had somehow been compelling Lissa to do all sorts of reckless things. She had to be amazingly strong in spirit to not only manage those feats but also keep it hidden from Lissa and Adrian. She'd even created a false aura to hide her golden one. I had no idea how that magnitude of power was possible, particularly considering that Avery's fun-loving personality could hardly be called insane. Whatever her scheme, Lissa was at risk. I had to do something. Removing Abe from the equation, I looked up at Mark and Oksana pleadingly. ââ¬Å"It's my bondmate,â⬠I explained. ââ¬Å"She's in trouble. Someone's trying to hurt her. I have to go to her-you understand why I have to.â⬠And I saw in their faces that they did understand. I also knew that in my situation, they'd try exactly the same thing for each other. Mark sighed. ââ¬Å"Roseâ⬠¦ we'll help you get to her, but we can't do it now.â⬠ââ¬Å"We'll contact the school,â⬠said Abe matter-of-factly. ââ¬Å"They'll take care of it.â⬠Right. And how exactly would we do that? Call up Headmaster Lazar and tell him his party-girl daughter was actually corrupting and controlling people with psychic powers and that she needed to be locked up for Lissa's and everyone else's good? My lack of an answer seemed to make them think they'd convinced me, Abe in particular. ââ¬Å"With Oksana's help, you'd probably be in good enough condition to leave tomorrow,â⬠he added. ââ¬Å"I can book a morning flight the next day.â⬠ââ¬Å"Will she be all right until then?â⬠Oksana asked me gently. ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦ I don't knowâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ What could Avery do in two days' time? Alienate and embarrass Lissa further? Horrible things, but not permanent or life threatening. Surely, surelyâ⬠¦ she'd be okay that long, right? ââ¬Å"Let me seeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I saw Mark's eyes widen slightly as he realized what I was about to do. Then I saw nothing in the room anymore because I was no longer there. I was in Lissa's head. A new set of sights settled in around me, and for half a second, I thought I stood on the bridge again and was looking down into black waters and a cold death. Then I gained a grip on what I saw-or rather, what Lissa saw. She was standing on the ledge of a window in some building on campus. It was nighttime. I couldn't tell offhand which building it was, but it didn't matter. Lissa was on what appeared to be the sixth floor, standing there in high heels, laughing about something while the dark ground threatened below. Behind her, I heard Avery's voice. ââ¬Å"Lissa, be careful! You shouldn't be up there.â⬠But it had the same double meaning that permeated everything Avery did. Even as she said those words of caution, I could feel a reckless drive within Lissa, something telling her that it was okay to be where she was and not to worry so much. It was Avery's compulsion. Then, I felt that brushing of my mind, and the annoyed voice. You again? I was forced back out, back to the bedroom in Novosibirsk. Abe was freaking out, apparently thinking I'd gone into some catatonic fit, and Mark and Oksana were attempting to explain to him what had happened. I blinked and rubbed my head as I gathered myself, and Mark breathed a sigh of relief. ââ¬Å"It's much stranger watching someone do that than it is doing it myself.â⬠ââ¬Å"She's in trouble,â⬠I said, attempting to get up again. ââ¬Å"She's in troubleâ⬠¦ and I don't know what to doâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ They were right in saying there was no way on earth I could get to Lissa anytime soon. And even if I followed Abe's suggestion and contacted the schoolâ⬠¦ I didn't know for sure where Lissa was at or even if anyone there would believe me. I thought about jumping back in and trying to read Lissa's location from her mind, but Avery would likely throw me out again. From what I had briefly felt, Lissa didn't have her cell phone on her-no surprise. There were strict rules about having them in classes, so she usually left hers in her dorm room. But I knew someone who would have his. And who would believe me. ââ¬Å"Does anyone have a phone?â⬠I asked. Abe gave me his, and I dialed Adrian's number, surprised I had it memorized. Adrian was mad at me, but he cared about Lissa. He would help her, no matter his grudge toward me. And he would believe me when I tried to explain a crazy, spirit-induced plot. But when the other end of the line picked up, it was his voicemail that answered, not the man himself. ââ¬Å"I know how devastated you must be to miss me,â⬠his cheery voice said, ââ¬Å"but leave a message, and I'll try to ease your agony as soon as possible.â⬠I disconnected, feeling lost. Suddenly, I looked up at Oksana as one of my crazier ideas came to mind. ââ¬Å"Youâ⬠¦ you can do that thingâ⬠¦ where you actively go in someone's mind and touch their thoughts, right? Like you did to me?â⬠She grimaced slightly. ââ¬Å"Yes, but it's not something I like to do. I don't think it's right.â⬠ââ¬Å"Can you compel them once you're in there?â⬠She looked even more disgusted. ââ¬Å"Well, yes, of courseâ⬠¦ the two things are actually very similar. But reaching in someone's mind is one thing and forcing them into some unwanted behavior is an entirely different matter.â⬠ââ¬Å"My friend is about to do something dangerous,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"It could kill her. She's being compelled, but I can't do anything about it. The bond won't let me actively reach her. I can only watch. If you could reach inside my friend's head and compel her out of dangerâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Oksana shook her head. ââ¬Å"Supposing morals weren't an issue, I can't reach into someone who's not actually here-let alone someone I've never met.â⬠I raked a hand through my hair, panic setting in. I wished Oksana knew how to walk dreams. That would at least give her the long-distance capability. All of these spirit powers seemed to be one off from each other, each having some additional nuance. Someone who could dream walk might be able to take the next step and visit someone awake. An even crazier idea came to me. This was a groundbreaking day. ââ¬Å"Oksanaâ⬠¦ you can reach into my mind, right?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes,â⬠she reaffirmed. ââ¬Å"If Iâ⬠¦ if I was in my bondmate's head at the time, could you reach into me and then reach into her mind? Could I, like, be the link between you guys?â⬠ââ¬Å"I've never heard of anything like that,â⬠murmured Mark. ââ¬Å"That's because we've never had this many spirit users and shadow-kissed around before,â⬠I pointed out. Abe, understandably, looked completely lost. A shadow fell over Oksana's face. ââ¬Å"I don't knowâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Either it works or it doesn't,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"If it doesn't, then there's no harm done. But if you can reach her through meâ⬠¦ you can compel her.â⬠She started to speak, and I cut her off. ââ¬Å"I know, I knowâ⬠¦ you think it's wrong. But this other spirit user? She's the one who's wrong. All you have to do is compel Lissa out of danger. She's ready to jump out a window! Stop her now; then I'll get to her in another day or so and fix things.â⬠And by fix things, I meant ruin Avery's pretty face with a black eye. In my bizarre life, I'd grown pretty used to people-especially adults-rejecting my outlandish ideas and proclamations. I'd had a hell of a time convincing people that Victor had kidnapped Lissa and an equally hard time making the guardians believe the school was under attack. So when situations like this happened, part of me almost expected resistance. But the thing was, as stable as they were, Oksana and Mark had been fighting with spirit for most of their lives. Crazy was kind of par for the course for them, and after a moment, she didn't argue any further. ââ¬Å"All right,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"Give me your hands.â⬠ââ¬Å"What's going on?â⬠asked Abe, still totally clueless. I took a small amount of satisfaction in seeing him out of his league for a change. Mark murmured something to Oksana in Russian and kissed her on the cheek. He was warning her to be careful, not condemning her for her choice. I knew he'd want the same thing if she were in Lissa's place. The love that flashed between them was so deep and so strong that I nearly lost my resolve to do this. That kind of love reminded me of Dimitri, and if I allowed myself to think about him for even a moment more, I was going to relive last nightâ⬠¦ I clasped Oksana's hands, a knot of fear coiling in my stomach. I didn't like the idea of someone being in my head, even though that was a hypocritical sentiment for someone who was constantly traveling into her best friend's mind. Oksana gave me a small smile, though it was obvious she was as nervous as me. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"I hate doing this to peopleâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ And then I felt it, the same thing that had happened when Avery pushed me out. It was like the actual physical sensation of someone touching my brain. I gasped, looking into Oksana's eyes as waves of heat and cold ran through me. Oksana was in my head. ââ¬Å"Now go to your friend,â⬠she said. I did. I focused my thoughts into Lissa and found her still standing on the window's ledge. Better she was there than on the ground, but I still wanted her off and back in the room before something bad happened. That wasn't for me to do, however. I was the taxi, so to speak. Oksana was the one who had to literally talk Lissa off the ledge. Only I had no indication the other woman had come with me. When I'd jumped to Lissa's mind, I'd lost that sense of Oksana. No more tickling of the mind. Oksana? I thought. Are you there? There was no response-not from Oksana, at least. The answer came from a very unexpected source. Rose? It was Lissa's voice that spoke in my mind. She froze her position in the window and abruptly cut off whatever she'd been laughing about with Avery. I felt Lissa's terror and confusion as she wondered if she was imagining me. She peered around the room, her eyes passing over Avery. Avery recognized something was going on, and her face hardened. I felt the familiar sense of her presence in Lissa's mind and wasn't surprised when Avery tried to shove me out again. Except-it didn't work. Avery kicking me out in the past had always felt like an actual shove. I got the impression that when she tried it now, it felt like hitting a brick wall to her. I wasn't so easy to push around anymore. Oksana was with me somehow, lending her strength. Avery was still in Lissa's line of sight, and I saw those adorable blue-gray eyes go wide with shock that she couldn't control me. Oh, I thought. It's on, bitch! Rose? Lissa's voice was there again. Am I going crazy? Not yet. But you have to get down, right now. I think Avery's trying to kill you. Kill me? I could feel and hear Lissa's incredulity. She'd never do that. Look, let's not argue it for now. Just get out of the window and call it good. I felt the impulse in Lissa, felt her shift and start to put one foot down. Then it was like some core part of herself stopped her. Her foot stayed where it wasâ⬠¦ and slowly began to grow unsteadyâ⬠¦ That was Avery at work. I wondered if Oksana, lurking in the background of this bond, could overpower that compulsion. No, Oksana wasn't active here. Her spirit powers had somehow gotten me into actively communicating with Lissa, but she was remaining passive. I'd expected to be the bridge and thought Oksana would jump to Lissa's mind and compel her. The situation was reversed, though, and I didn't actually have compulsion powers. All I had was legendary wit and powers of persuasion. Lissa, you have to fight Avery, I said. She's a spirit user, and she's compelling you. You're one of the strongest compulsion users I know. You should be able to fight her. Fear answered me. I can'tâ⬠¦ I can't compel right now. Why not? Because I've been drinking. I mentally groaned. Of course. That was why Avery was always so quick to supply Lissa with alcohol. It numbed spirit, as demonstrated in Adrian's frequent indulgences. Avery had encouraged the drinking so that Lissa's spirit abilities would weaken and give her less resistance. There were a number of times Lissa hadn't been able to gauge exactly how much Avery was drinking; in retrospect, Avery must have been doing a fair amount of faking. Then use ordinary willpower, I told her. It's possible to resist compulsion. It was true. Compulsion wasn't an automatic ticket to world domination. Some people were better at resisting it than others, though a Strigoi or spirit user certainly complicated matters. I felt Lissa build up her resolve, felt her repeat my words over and over, that she had to be strong and step back off the ledge. She worked to push away that impulse Avery had implanted, and without knowing how, I suddenly found myself pushing on it as well. Lissa and I joined our strength together and started shoving Avery out. In the physical world, Avery and Lissa's gazes were locked as the psychic struggle continued. Avery's face showed hard concentration that suddenly became overlaid with shock. She'd noticed me fighting her too. Her eyes narrowed, and when she spoke, it was me she addressed and not Lissa. ââ¬Å"Oh,â⬠Avery hissed, ââ¬Å"you do not want to mess with me.â⬠Didn't I? There was a rush of heat and that feeling of someone reaching into my mind. Only it wasn't Oksana. It was Avery, and she was doing some serious investigation of my thoughts and memories. I understood now what Oksana meant about it being invasive and a violation. It wasn't just looking through someone's eyes; it was spying on their most intimate thoughts. And then, the world around me dissolved. I stood in a room I didn't recognize. For a moment, I thought I was back in Galina's estate. It certainly had that rich, expensive feel to it. But no. After a moment's examination, I realized this wasn't the same at all. The furnishings were different. Even the vibe was different. Galina's home had been beautiful, but there had been a cold, impersonal feel to it. This place was inviting and clearly well loved. The plush couch had a quilt thrown haphazardly in its corner, as though someone-or maybe two someones-had been cuddling underneath it. And while the room wasn't messy, exactly, there were scattered objects-books, framed photos-that indicated this room was actually used and wasn't just for show. I walked over to a small bookshelf and picked up one of the framed photos. I nearly dropped it when I saw what it was. It was a picture of Dimitri and me-but I had no memory of it. We stood arm in arm, leaning our faces together to make sure we both got in the shot. I was grinning broadly, and he too wore a joyous smile, one I'd hardly ever seen on him. It softened some of the protective fierceness that usually filled his features and made him look sexier than I'd ever imagined. A piece of that soft brown hair had slipped his ponytail and lay on his cheek. Beyond us was a city that I immediately recognized: Saint Petersburg. I frowned. No, this was definitely a picture that couldn't exist. I was still studying it when I heard someone walk into the room. When I saw who it was, my heart stopped. I set the photo back on the shelf with shaking hands and took a few steps back. It was Dimitri. He wore jeans and a casual red T-shirt that fit the lean muscles of his body perfectly. His hair was down loose and slightly damp, like he'd just gotten out of the shower. He held two mugs and chuckled when he saw me. ââ¬Å"Still not dressed?â⬠he asked, shaking his head. ââ¬Å"They're going to be here any minute.â⬠I looked down and saw that I wore plaid flannel pajama bottoms and a tank top. He handed me the mug, and I was too stunned to do anything but take it. I peered into it-hot chocolate-and then looked up at him. There was no red in his eyes, no evil on his face. Only gorgeous warmth and affection. He was my Dimitri, the one who'd loved and protected me. The one with a pure heart and soulâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"Whoâ⬠¦ who's coming?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"Lissa and Christian. They're coming for brunch.â⬠He gave me a puzzled look. ââ¬Å"Are you okay?â⬠I looked around, again taking in the comforting room. Through a window, I saw a backyard filled with trees and flowers. Sunshine spilled through onto the carpet. I turned back to him and shook my head. ââ¬Å"What is this? Where are we?â⬠His confused expression now turned into a frown. Stepping forward, he took my mug and set his and mine on the shelf. His hands rested on my hips, and I flinched but didn't break away-how could I when he looked so much like my Dimitri? ââ¬Å"This is our house,â⬠he said, drawing me near. ââ¬Å"In Pennsylvania.â⬠ââ¬Å"Pennsylvaniaâ⬠¦ are we at the Royal Court ?â⬠He shrugged. ââ¬Å"A few miles away.â⬠I slowly shook my head. ââ¬Å"Noâ⬠¦ that's not possible. We can't have a home together. And definitely not so close to the others. They'd never let us.â⬠If in some crazy world Dimitri and I lived together, we'd have to do it in secret-somewhere remote, like Siberia. ââ¬Å"You insisted,â⬠he said with a small smile. ââ¬Å"And none of them care. They accept it. Besides, you said we had to live near Lissa.â⬠My mind reeled. What was going on? How was this possible? How could I be living with Dimitri-especially so near Moroi? This wasn't rightâ⬠¦ and yet, it felt right. Looking around, I could see how this was my home. I could feel the love in it, feel the connection Dimitri and I had to it. Butâ⬠¦ how could I actually be with Dimitri? Wasn't I supposed to be doing something else? Wasn't I supposed to be somewhere else? ââ¬Å"You're a Strigoi,â⬠I said at last. ââ¬Å"Noâ⬠¦ you're dead. I killed you.â⬠He ran a finger along my cheek, still giving me that rueful smile. ââ¬Å"Do I look like I'm dead? Do I look Strigoi?â⬠No. He looked wonderful and sexy and strong. He was all the things I remembered, all the things I loved. ââ¬Å"But you wereâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I trailed off, still confused. This wasn't right. There was something I had to do, but I still couldn't remember. ââ¬Å"What happened?â⬠His hand returned to my hip, and he pulled me into a tight embrace. ââ¬Å"You saved me,â⬠he murmured into my ear. ââ¬Å"Your love saved me, Roza. You brought me back so that we could be together.â⬠Had I? I had no memory of that, either. But this all seemed so real, and it felt so wonderful. I'd missed his arms around me. He'd held me as a Strigoi, but it had never felt like this. And when he leaned down and kissed me, I knew for sure he wasn't a Strigoi. I didn't know how I could have ever deluded myself back at Galina's. This kiss was alive. It burned within my soul, and as my lips pressed more eagerly into his, I felt that connection, the one that told me there was no one else in the world for me except him. Only, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't supposed to be here. But where was I supposed to be? Lissaâ⬠¦ something with Lissaâ⬠¦ I broke the kiss but not the embrace. My head rested against his chest. ââ¬Å"I really saved you?â⬠ââ¬Å"Your love was too strong. Our love was too strong. Not even the undead could keep us apart.â⬠I wanted to believe it. Desperately. But that voice still nagged in my headâ⬠¦ Lissa. What about Lissa? Then, it came to me. Lissa and Avery. I had to save Lissa from Avery. I jerked away from Dimitri, and he stared in surprise. ââ¬Å"What are you doing?â⬠ââ¬Å"This isn't real,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"This is a trick. You're still Strigoi. We can't be together-not here, not among the Moroi.â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course we can.â⬠There was hurt in his deep brown eyes, and it tore at my heart. ââ¬Å"Don't you want to be with me?â⬠ââ¬Å"I have to go back to Lissaâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Let her go,â⬠he said, approaching me again. ââ¬Å"Let all of it go. Stay here with me-we can have everything we ever wanted, Rose. We can be together every day, wake up together every morning.â⬠ââ¬Å"No.â⬠I stepped further back. I knew if I didn't, he would kiss me again, and then I'd truly be lost. Lissa needed me. Lissa was trapped. With each passing second, the details about Avery were coming back to me. This was all an illusion. ââ¬Å"Rose?â⬠he asked. There was so much pain in his voice. ââ¬Å"What are you doing?â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm sorry,â⬠I said, feeling on the verge of tears. Lissa. I had to get to Lissa. ââ¬Å"This isn't real. You're gone. You and I can never be together, but I can still help her.â⬠ââ¬Å"You love her more than me?â⬠Lissa had asked me almost the same thing when I'd left to hunt Dimitri. My life was doomed to always be about choosing between them. ââ¬Å"I love you both,â⬠I replied. And with that, I used all of my will to push myself back to Lissa, wherever she was, and tear away from this fantasy. Honestly, I could have spent the rest of my days in that make-believe world, being with Dimitri in that house, waking up with him each morning like he'd said. But it wasn't real. It was too easy, and if I was learning anything, it was that life wasn't easy. The effort was excruciating, but suddenly, I found myself looking back at the room at St. Vladimir's. I focused on Avery who was staring me and Lissa down. She'd pulled out the memory that tormented me most, attempting to confuse me and tear me from Lissa with a fantasy of what I wanted more than anything else in the world. I'd fought Avery's mind trap and felt pretty smug about it-despite the ache in my heart. I wished I could communicate directly with her and make a few comments about what I thought of her and her game. That was out of the question, so instead, I threw my will in with Lissa's once more, and together, we stepped down off the ledge and onto the room's floor. Avery was visibly sweating, and when she realized she'd lost the psychic tug of war, her pretty face turned very ugly. ââ¬Å"Fine,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"There are easier ways of killing you off.â⬠Reed suddenly entered the room, looking as hostile as ever. I had no idea where he'd come from or how he'd known to show up right then, but he headed straight toward Lissa, hands reaching out. That open window loomed behind her, and it didn't take a genius to guess his intentions. Avery had tried to get Lissa to jump by using compulsion. Reed was just going to push her. A mental conversation flew between Lissa and me in the space of a heartbeat. Okay, I told her. Here's the situation. We're going to have to do a little role reversal. What are you talking about? Fear flooded her, which was understandable, seeing as Reed's hands were seconds away from grabbing her. Well, I said, I just did the psychic power struggle. Which means you've got to do the fighting. And I'm going to show you how.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Paper Towns By John Green Essay
Quentin and Margo meet at a random night when Margo sneaks into Quentinââ¬â¢s room. Since then, Quentin follows Margo on her adventurous mission for revenge of her boy friend cheating. Quentin and Margo get closer which makes Quentin to feel like he is going to be close friends with her since that day. However, Margo goes missing the next day, leaving only few clues for Quentin to search for herself. Quentin and his friends, Ben, Radar, and Lacey, find few clues at Margoââ¬â¢s room when her parents go away. At her room, they find Walt Whitmanââ¬â¢s book, Leaves of Grass, and find few quotes that are highlighted. Quentin then finds a location clue at his house and head to the location in search of Margo. He finds maps that are connected with holes from the pins. He later finds out that she is at Algoe, New York, and heads to Algoe with his friends on a road trip. After a road trip, Quentin and his friends arrive at Algoe, New York where Margo is. They see Margo writing down s tuffs in her black notebook. Margo is surprised to see that Quentin was able to find her but she soon recognizes their effort and starts to explain about herself. Quotes: 1) ââ¬Å"â⬠¦maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.â⬠(Page.8) This quote is important because itââ¬â¢s foreshadowing Margoââ¬â¢s live later in the book. Margo disappeared after her adventurous night with Quentin, only left a few hints for him to look for her. She becomes a mystery for everyone because no one knows where she is. However, Quentin and his friends later found her in Algoe. Margo being different from others is represented with her mysteriousness and odd perception. 2) ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s a paper town. I mean look at it, Q: look at all those cul-de-sacs, those streets that turn in on themselves, all the houses that were built to fall apart.â⬠(Page. 57) As Quentin and Margo are on top of the Suntrust Building, Margo is explaining her point of view of the city where she has been living for eighteen years. By comparing Orlando to paper town. The way that she talks about the cul-de-sacs expresses her feeling of being trapped because the roads turn in on themselves not leaving any open places. Also, the paper town relates to the houses where everything is frail including the people who live there because they only care about things that concern them blocking outà everything else. 3) ââ¬Å"I looked down and thought about how I was made of paper. I was the flimsy-foldable person, not everyone else.â⬠(Green 293). Margo explains to Quentin her real thoughts on paper town and paper girl reflecting on her previous statement at the Suntrust Building. Margo begins to understand herself better after having isolated herself by running away. Margo describing herself as ââ¬Å"flimsy-foldableâ⬠refers to her dual life where everyone in school perceives her differently. She is viewed as the leader and the popular fashionable person admired by many of her fellow classmates. However, at home, there is a side that no one is aware of regarding Margo such as the record collection she owns. Regarding this fact, Margo can easily change herself to a different person just like paper changes its shape when itââ¬â¢s folded. Therefore, Margo herself sees and realizes who she really is through comparing herself to paper. Character Comparison: Quentin Jaconsen Quentin take his friends and family for granted, thing almost of his own wants and selfish. However, he is also funny and intelligent and has a good heart. In Quentin I found a character I was particularly able to relate in one way, his expectations of his best friend Ben. For pretty much throughout the book, Quentin constantly wants Ben to change. He wants him to stop being so crass, to stop using the word ââ¬Å"honeybunnyâ⬠, to stop being obsessed with finding a date to take to their prom and to stop being too busy or too tired when Quentin wants to talk again about Margo or play Resurrection. Basically, Quentin wants Ben to be exactly like him. He never truly accepts Ben for who he is. Like what Radar tells him ââ¬Å"You know your problem, Quentin? You keep expecting people not to be themselves. I mean, I could hate you for being massively unpunctual and for never being interested in anything other than Margo Roth Spiegelman, and for, like, never asking me about how itââ¬â¢s going with my girlfriend ââ¬â but I donââ¬â¢t give a shit, man, because youââ¬â¢re youâ⬠¦.Youââ¬â¢re funny and youââ¬â¢re smart, and you may show up late, but you always show up eventually.â⬠(Page. 194). Radar then goes on to tell Quentin ââ¬Å"Just saying: stop thinking Ben should be you, and he needs to stop thinking you should be him.â⬠(Page. 195). Reading Radarââ¬â¢s speech helped me to realize I have the same problem with Quentin. I want people not to beà themselves. I want them to be nicer, happier, friendlier, less self-involved, more sincere, more understanding, more enthusiastic, more interest in the thing Iââ¬â¢m interested in and a whole of other things. I want them to be what I want them to be. But I donââ¬â¢t just do this with people. I do it with everything. I constantly crave everything in my life to be better, to be more exciting, to be more meaningful than it really is. I think this is because I canââ¬â¢t help but imagine all the awesome and amazing possibilities of what someone or something could be. Connection: In another book of John Green, Looking for Alaska, Alaska mysteriously goes missing, just like Margo. However, in the real world, generally, there are quite a few teenagers who run away from home because they are misunderstood or they feel the need to just get away from the stress, which was the case with Margo. Seminar Question: If I were to lead a seminar discussion on Paper Towns by John Green, I would ask ââ¬Å"Since Margo compared herself to paper, who is the real her? Does she feel comfortable for not being who she really is? Is that mean Quentin been liking the ââ¬Å"paperâ⬠Margo all the time?ââ¬
Judeo-Christian, Islamic, Mayan and Hindu
One of the most compelling issues regarding religious comparison is the knowledge that each of these religions believes itself to be the only correct path to enlightenment or the afterlife. This is one similarity that is found in virtually all religions.The Jews, Christians and Islamic all have a similar story of creation. Each starts with Adam and Eve being created by God or a Supreme Being. They all have parts where the angels take issue with what they perceive to be Godââ¬â¢s favoritism regarding his creations.There are many complaints about they fact that they have always been by his side and done his bidding and now they are required to bow down to the humans he created. Not all religions believe in angels but almost all of them have some form of creature that is not happy about the creation of man. This is manââ¬â¢s way of putting himself first in the eyes of his God. Man feels a need to balance his superiority with a need for guidance. The omnipotent being covers the gui dance aspect and man being over the angels satisfies his superiority issue.All of the religions have one or more antagonists in their creation stories. With the Jews, Christians and Islamic it is Satan, with the Hindu it is the negative emotions such as greed, anger and desire and with the Mayan it is the Gods themselves who are the testers of man.Satan, in the religions who believe, is a ââ¬Å"fallen angelâ⬠. He is so called because when all the other angels do Godââ¬â¢s bidding and bow down to man, he alone refuses to do so, stating he was there before them and would not bow to something less than himself. This, of course, angered God and he told Satan that from now on he was banned from Godââ¬â¢s sight.According to all the religions who believe in Satan, this was fine with him. He told God that he would spend his time tempting and leading astray the people that God had created. God, in turn, stated that only people who ere not worthy would fall for Satanââ¬â¢s tric ks and if they did, they could join him in hell for eternity.Man has a need to explain everything in his life, good, bad or otherwise. As there is a God who is good, there must be a Satan (or other being) that is not good. This explains manââ¬â¢s dual personality and is even covered in those religions that do not subscribe to God and Satan. Duality is the basis of many religions and balance is a major issue within them.In the Mayan tradition, the Gods created man for personal reasons, which was to worship them and make sure they were not forgotten. They tested the first couple of groups they created but were displeased with the results. The people they created were too basic to understand what they had been made for and could not adore the Gods properly so they were destroyed. Even the last group the Gods made was faulty according to the Gods, this time because they knew and saw too much. The Gods dimmed their vision so they would not be equals with the Gods.Although all the reli gions teach of the desire and attempts to become ââ¬Å"Godlikeâ⬠, they all seem to have the undercurrent of Gods who do not wish to have equals but rather worshippers instead. It may be that we, as humans, need to feel there is a ââ¬Å"father figureâ⬠we can turn to or alternately blame for those things that happen in our lives. This is unusual since mankind tends to be very egotistical regarding our place in the universe and yetà when it comes to religion, we are more than willing to step aside and let an omnipotent being guise our destiny.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The eNotes Blog Remembering Mary Oliver
Remembering Mary Oliver The beloved American poet Mary Oliver (1935ââ¬â2019) died today, leaving behind a rich and vast body of literary work. Oliver was arguably the most popular poet of her generation, best known for her poems of the natural world.à Her style is quickly recognizable; at once sublime and grounded, her language conveys sweeping spiritual states through tactile and terrestrial detail. In her signature blend of breathless reverence and plain-spokenness, Oliver carries forward the voices of the American literary past: Emerson and Thoreau, Dickinson and Whitman. Oliver was a gifted prose writer as well, producing volumes of prose poems, such as Blue Pastures, and books of insightful essays, such as Upstream. Her slim, lucid volume on poetics, A Poetry Handbook, should be required reading for any poet or lover of poetry. In remembrance of Mary Oliver, weââ¬â¢ve gathered a handful of her poems that offer a glimpse into her indelible contribution to American literature: Music Lessons Sometimes, in the middle of the lesson, we exchanged places. She would gaze a moment at her hands spread over the keys; then the small house with its knickknacks, its shut windows, its photographs of her sons and the serious husband, vanished as new shapes formed. Sound became music, and music a white scarp for the listener to climb alone. I leaped rock over rock to the top and found myself waiting, transformed, and still she played, her eyes luminous and willful, her pinned hair falling down - forgetting me, the house, the neat green yard, she fled in that lick of flame all tedious bonds: supper, the duties of flesh and home, the knife at the throat, the death in the metronome. *** Oliver turns a memory of piano lessons into a meditation on the transformative power of music as well as the tug of time. In a synesthetic twist, music becomes earth, ââ¬Å"a white / scarp for the listener to climb // alone.â⬠The enjambment before ââ¬Å"aloneâ⬠is both clever and affecting, as is the poemââ¬â¢s unforgettable final phrase, ââ¬Å"the death in the metronome.â⬠Wild Geese You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à overà and over announcing your place in the family of things. *** Like many of Oliverââ¬â¢s best poems, ââ¬Å"Wild Geeseâ⬠- from Oliverââ¬â¢s volume Dream Work- handles spiritual themes with clarity and directness. Oliverââ¬â¢s speaker confronts the question of belonging, of finding a place for oneself in the vastness of creation. Oliver, ever the poet, offers ââ¬Å"imaginationâ⬠itself as the key. Morning Glories Blue and dark blue à à à à à à à à à rose and deepest rose à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à white and pink they are everywhere in the diligent à à à à à à à à à cornfield rising and swaying à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à in their reliable finery in the little à à à à à à à à fling of their bodies their à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à gear and tackle all caught up in the cornstalks. à à à à à à à à The reaperââ¬â¢s story is the story à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à of endless work of work careful and heavy but the à à à à à à à à reaper cannot à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à separate them out there they are in the story of his life à à à à à à à à bright random useless à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à year after year taken with the serious tons à à à à à à à à weeds without value humorous à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à beautiful weeds. *** ââ¬Å"Morning Glories,â⬠from Oliverââ¬â¢s collection White Pine, beautifully mimics its subject matter. The morning glories, with their tendency to sprawl and entangle themselves, are reflected in Oliverââ¬â¢s lines, which flow ever onward, unhindered by punctuation or line breaks. *** For long-standing lovers of Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s work, today invites us to remember her poems and prose pieces- and the epiphanies and lessons to be found there. For those new to Oliver, hopefully these poems have piqued your curiosity and opened the door to her writings.
Free Essays on Apollo 13
Description Apollo 13 was intended to be the third mission to carry humans to the surface of the Moon, but an explosion of one of the oxygen tanks and resulting damage to other systems resulted in the mission being aborted before the planned lunar landing could take place. The crew, commander James A. Lovell, Jr., command module pilot John L. Swigert, Jr., and lunar module pilot Fred W. Haise Jr., were returned safely to Earth on 17 April 1970. Mission Profile Apollo 13 was launched on Saturn V SA-508 on 11 April 1970 at 19:13:00 UT (02:13:00 p.m. EST) from pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. During second stage boost the center engine of the S-II stage cut off 132 seconds early, causing the remaining four engines to burn 34 seconds longer than normal. The velocity after S-II burn was still lower than planned by 68 m/sec, so the S-IVB orbital insertion burn at 19:25:40 was 9 seconds longer than planned. Translunar injection took place at 21:54:47 UT, CSM/S-IVB separation at 22:19:39 UT, and CSM-LM docking at 22:32:09 UT. The S-IVB auxilliary propulsive system burned at 01:13 UT on 12 April for 217 seconds to put the S-IVB into a lunar impact trajectory. (It impacted the lunar surface on 14 April at 01:09:41.0 at 2.75 S, 27.86 W with a velocity of 2.58 km/s at a 76 degrees angle from horizontal.) A 3.4 second mid-course correction was made at 01:27 UT on 13 April. A television broadcast was made from Apollo 13 from 02:24 UT to 02:59 UT on 14 April and a few minutes later, at 03:06:18 UT Jack Swigert turned the fans on to stir oxygen tanks 1 and 2 in the service module. The Accident Review Board concluded that wires which had been damaged during pre-flight testing in oxygen tank no. 2 shorted and the teflon insulation caught fire. The fire spread within the tank, raising the pressure until at 3:07:53 UT on 14 April (10:07:53 EST 13 April; 55:54:53 mission elapsed time) oxygen tank no. 2 exploded, damaging oxygen tank no. 1 and the... Free Essays on Apollo 13 Free Essays on Apollo 13 Description Apollo 13 was intended to be the third mission to carry humans to the surface of the Moon, but an explosion of one of the oxygen tanks and resulting damage to other systems resulted in the mission being aborted before the planned lunar landing could take place. The crew, commander James A. Lovell, Jr., command module pilot John L. Swigert, Jr., and lunar module pilot Fred W. Haise Jr., were returned safely to Earth on 17 April 1970. Mission Profile Apollo 13 was launched on Saturn V SA-508 on 11 April 1970 at 19:13:00 UT (02:13:00 p.m. EST) from pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. During second stage boost the center engine of the S-II stage cut off 132 seconds early, causing the remaining four engines to burn 34 seconds longer than normal. The velocity after S-II burn was still lower than planned by 68 m/sec, so the S-IVB orbital insertion burn at 19:25:40 was 9 seconds longer than planned. Translunar injection took place at 21:54:47 UT, CSM/S-IVB separation at 22:19:39 UT, and CSM-LM docking at 22:32:09 UT. The S-IVB auxilliary propulsive system burned at 01:13 UT on 12 April for 217 seconds to put the S-IVB into a lunar impact trajectory. (It impacted the lunar surface on 14 April at 01:09:41.0 at 2.75 S, 27.86 W with a velocity of 2.58 km/s at a 76 degrees angle from horizontal.) A 3.4 second mid-course correction was made at 01:27 UT on 13 April. A television broadcast was made from Apollo 13 from 02:24 UT to 02:59 UT on 14 April and a few minutes later, at 03:06:18 UT Jack Swigert turned the fans on to stir oxygen tanks 1 and 2 in the service module. The Accident Review Board concluded that wires which had been damaged during pre-flight testing in oxygen tank no. 2 shorted and the teflon insulation caught fire. The fire spread within the tank, raising the pressure until at 3:07:53 UT on 14 April (10:07:53 EST 13 April; 55:54:53 mission elapsed time) oxygen tank no. 2 exploded, damaging oxygen tank no. 1 and the...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Davis Surname Meaning and Origin
Davis Surname Meaning and Origin Davis is the 8th most common surname in America and one of the 100 most common last names in both England and Wales. Surname Origin: Welsh,Ã English Alternate Surname Spellings:Ã Davies (Welsh), David, Davidson, Davison, Daves, Dawson, Dawes, Day, Dakin What Does Davis Mean? Davis is a common patronymic surname with Welsh origins meaning son of David, a given name that means beloved. Fun Facts In the United States, Davis is one of the ten most common surnames. The variant Davies, however, is barely in the top 1,000 most common last names. In Great Britain, this surname popularity is reversed. There, Davies is the 6th most common surname overall, while Davis is the 45th most common surname. Where Do People Named Davis Live? According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Davis surname is most commonly found in the United States, especially in the southern states of Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee. It is also a common surname in Australia, the United Kingdom (especially southern England), New Zealand, and Canada. Forebears ranks Davis as the 320th most common surname in the world, with the highest numbers found in Jamaica, Anguilla, and the Bahamas, followed by the U.S., Liberia, and Australia. Famous People with the Surname Davis Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.Miles Davis, influential American jazz artist.Angela Davis, political philosopher and black power activist.Captain Howell Davis, Welsh pirate.Sammy Davis Jr., American entertainer.General Benjamin O. Davis,Ã leader of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II.William Morris Davis, father of American geography. Sources Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, June 1, 2004. Cottle, Basil. The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. (Penguin Reference Books), Paperback, 2nd Edition, Puffin, August 7, 1984. Davis Surname Definition. Forebears, 2012. Hanks, Patrick. A Dictionary of Surnames. Flavia Hodges, Oxford University Press, February 23, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, May 8, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings. First Edition, Polish Genealogical Society, June 1, 1993. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Hardcover, Bilingual edition, Avotaynu, May 30, 2005. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow. Hardcover, Zaklad Narodowy im. OssoliÃ
âskich, 1991. Smith, Elsdon Coles. American Surnames. 1st Edition, Chilton Book Co, June 1, 1969.
Use Great Tips for Writing a Coursework
Use Great Tips for Writing a Coursework Writing a Coursework: Great Tips for Great Students If your professor asks you to produce a coursework, you will have to choose the most suitable model and approach before you begin to write. Our recommendations will make the whole process much easier for you. At times, you may want to ask more experienced academic professionals for help. At other time, you may simply want to read others advice and follow it, while working on your work. Whatever decision you make, we will support you. Just consider our recommendations below and follow them, when you need to. Understand your topic and purpose Successful coursework writers know what it takes to write a great work. They know the topic well. They also know how to translate it into a brilliant piece of writing. Use as much literature as you need to create a convincing argument. Have an idea of what your coursework should look at the end of the process. Seek Help from Professionals Of course, we are here to help you with your coursework, whenever you may need our help. It is always better if you do the writing job on your own. However, in many situations it is better to trust coursework writing to a professional than to spend days and nights doing an inferior writing job. Take it as a financial investment in your academic future. It will yield enormous profits! Manage Your Finances Wisely Once you are in, you will have to be wise with your limited financial resources. Be ready to manage your budget professionally. Otherwise, your coursework project will be doomed to failure even before it is launched. You need to be sure that your budget constraints will not be an obstacle to quality writing. Learn the Context You need to explore the context of your paper. For example, consider the industry. You are not in a position to make any guesses. Precision and accuracy are your success factors. Use the most recent data and incorporate them into your paper. Presentation When you are done with writing, it is time to present the results to your target audience. Imagine that the quality of your presentation will influence the decision to give you a grant. It is a crucial part of your project, and you must not take it lightly. Do not let a poorly designed presentation take the success away from you! It is your time to excel in coursework writing, and you can do it with our help!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
or the supernatural in the medieval lay Essay Example
The role of fairies and/or the supernatural in the medieval lay Essay Example The role of fairies and/or the supernatural in the medieval lay Paper The role of fairies and/or the supernatural in the medieval lay Paper Essay Topic: Literature Medieval lays are essentially tales of romance, often of Celtic origin. Similar patterns of events, or certain features are common in many lays, for example the theme of deeply felt love or a complex love situation where two lovers are separated, go through a period of grief and are eventually reunited. This pattern of events can been compared to rites of passage, as will be discussed later. The mixture between reality and the otherworld is a key aspect of the medieval lays. The supernatural is not over-emphasised, instead it works alongside the reality of the lay, making it much more believable to the audience. Fairies and the supernatural play a particularly important role in Sir Orfeo, based on the classical Orpheus myth. Sir Orfeo enters the fairy-kingdom to rescue his wife Heurodis who has been snatched by the fairy king. Sir Orfeo is able to charm the fairy king with his harp-playing ability, and the fairy king agrees to let Heurodis go. Other lays containing elements of the supernatural include Lanval taken from the Lais of Marie De France, and the Franklins Tale from Chaucers Canterbury Tales. Lanval is lead into the otherworld by two beautiful maids to see their fairy-mistress. She gives him everything he desires, but makes him promise that he will never speak a word of their love to anyone, otherwise he will never see her again. On returning to his own world, Queen Guinevere makes a pass at him but he refuses, insults her in his anger, and talks of his love for the fairy-mistress. Despite this, she forgives him and rescues him from his trial before King Arthur and they return to Avalon. In the Franklins Tale, Dorigen marries Arveragus (a Knight), but then he has to leave to go to England. Dorigen is heart-broken and inconsolable. She attends a May dance, where Aurelius falls in love with her. She makes a rash promise that, should he be able to remove all the rocks from the coast (so that her husband can return safely), she would love him. The supernatural in this lay is when Aurelius meets an Astrologer, whom he pays to make an illusion that the rocks have disappeared. Aurelius goes back to Dorigen to claim his reward. However, her husband returns and Aurelius takes pity on Dorigen, releasing her from the oath she swore. Motifs and Celtic tradition relating to fairies and the supernatural Many of the medieval lays contain motifs relating to the supernatural. It is common, for example, for mortals to be snatched away by the fairies when lying in a meadow or under a tree particularly the ympe-tree described in Sir Orfeo. In Celtic tradition is it believed that those who lie or fall asleep under a tree or in a meadow place themselves in the power of the fairies. In Sir Orfeo, Heurodis first encounter with the fairy king occurs whilst she is asleep under an ympe-tree. The use of the orchard/meadow in the lays creates the impression of a walled-garden used so often in medieval romance, which should signify safety and serenity. The fairies, however, often appear in this environment sometimes through dreams (as is the case in Sir Orfeo where Heurodis is first visited by the fairy king in her dreams). This motif is also used in Lanval, where the fairy mistresss two maids approach him while he is laying by a stream in a meadow. Unlike Heurodis encounter, Lanval is approached whilst he is awake, which to some extent makes is less fantastical and more realistic to the audience. The maids appear to be much more like mortals. Other motifs relate to the idea of rite of passage, as discussed earlier. The transition stage is the most important in the lays, as it is the point in which the supernatural usually plays the most important role. It is apparent that the transition stage is often a period of immense grief and sorrow, and involves some kind of complication for the lovers involved. In Sir Orfeo, he comes across the fairy king on a hunt after being separated from Heurodis, and his quest to reclaim her from the fairy kingdom begins. Also, Lanval meets the fairy mistress when he has been separated from King Arthurs court. The three stages in the Franklins Tale are not as obvious because there are two possible elements of separation one of Dorigen from her husband, and one of Aurelius from Dorigen. The encounters with Aurelius and the supernatural could, however, be interpreted as an obstacle to Dorigens marriage an obstacle that they are able to overcome. The fact that the supernatural encounters generally occur during the most important stage shows a heavy reliance on the supernatural for the progression of events in the lays. This is characteristic of medieval lays and, to some extent, the way in which it is used distinguishes the lays from other medieval romance. Sir Orfeo is based entirely around Heurodis being snatched away by the fairy king. Similarly, Aurelius being able to fulfil his promise to Dorigen in the Franklins Tale is totally reliant upon supernatural intervention in the form of the astrologer. Portrayal of fairies, the otherworld and the supernatural in medieval lays It is common in Celtic tradition for mortals to be snatched away by fairies and taken into their kingdom. The image that Sir Orfeo sees when he enters the fairy kingdom is that of all those who have been snatched away, frozen in their last state as they were on Earth. Heurodis is shown to him asleep under a similar tree in the fairy kingdom to that she was snatched from in the mortal world. This not only stresses the significance of the orchard motif, but it also suggests that these surroundings provide some kind of gateway between the two worlds. It is no coincidence that the writer describes Heurodis sitting under similar trees in both worlds. If this environment does act as a gateway, it may be seen as a ray of hope for Sir Orfeo as there is a possibility of transporting Heurodis back. The similarity between the mortal world and the fairy world in Sir Orfeo is a striking feature of the lay. When Heurodis is snatched away an taken into the fairy kingdom, she is shown castels and tours, rivers, forestes, frith with flours (Johnson 1987:6) This same line is repeated to describe what Sir Orfeo has left behind in his kingdom when he goes to live alone in the woods. Again, it is not a coincidence that exactly the same line is repeated for both worlds. This makes the two worlds much more alike, reducing the strangeness of the fairy world. Here the poet is trying to create a world that is familiar to the audience. It is easier to accept the supernatural, as it is closer to reality. Similarly, in Lanval there is a strong sense of reality despite his love being immortal. Here, the supernatural elements of his fairy-mistress and being taken into the otherworld are balanced with the very real issue of Lanval facing a legal system and ultimately death because of his encounter. The supernatural is not for fun, it creates some element of danger for the mortals involved. Lanval and the Franklins tale are not supernatural in the same way as Sir Orfeo. The supernatural elements in the two are played-down, and much more believable to the medieval audience. In Lanval the fairy-mistress appears mortal until the very end of the lay where we are told she returns to Avalon the fairy kingdom. In the Franklins Tale, the supernatural is in the form of an astrologer/sorcerer. The fact that he is more closely related to natural magic is more believable, and shows that the supernatural plays a structural role rather than just making the lays more interesting. Other similarities can be seen in Sir Orfeo, where the hunt with the fairy king and his thousand Knights is reflected in the mortal world by Sir Orfeo and his ten hundred Knightes (Johnson 1987:7) when they try to protect Heurodis from being snatched away. The fact that one world seems to be a reflection of the other means that the presence of the supernatural within the lays does not detract from the main theme usually love. The similarities between the two worlds emphasise the theme of what a good ruler should be. The fairy king displays chivalrous behaviour similar to that of Sir Orfeo by keeping his word and letting Heurodis go back to the mortal world, despite the fact that he is under no obligation to do so. If the fairy king did not conform to these rules, Sir Orfeos method of rescuing Heurodis would not have been successful. The immortal also appear more humanly as they can, to some extent, be controlled or subtly manipulated by mortals. Sir Orfeo, for example, is able to charm the fairy king with his harp-playing ability into making him promise to let Heurodis go. This is also true in Lanval, where despite her promise that Lanval would never see her again if he spoke of their love, the fairy mistress remained loyal to him by rescuing him from King Arthurs court. Conclusion It is apparent from the three lays discussed that the structure of the lays relies heavily upon the supernatural, it is essential to the development of events rather than being added for decoration. In each of the lays it is presented in a way that makes it reflect the mortal world in values as well as appearance, particularly in Sir Orfeo. It also acts to highlight the rites of passage motif, as the supernatural encounters occur in the transitional stage. Finally, it acts to emphasise the values and lessons to be learned from the lays, such as the values needed to be a good leader as with the fairy king and Sir Orfeo; also the importance of being true and forgiving like Aurelius in the Franklins Tale and the fairy mistress in Lanval. Overall, the supernatural plays an essential structural role, but does not undermine the main themes of the lays instead it makes them clearer and for the audience to see.
Sympathy Quotes to Help You Express Regret
Sympathy Quotes to Help You Express Regret Grief is a heavy burden. Families that are grieving for their dear ones who departed, or for a missing member, find it difficult to hold back their tears. At such a time, words of solace can provide a healing touch. Offering Condolence at Funerals When a dear one has departed, you can extend your condolences with kind words. You may feel that words are hollow and dont do much to alleviate sorrow. However, your support can help the grieving family gain strength. If words seem empty, back them up with generous acts. Perhaps you could offer some assistance to the family. Or maybe they would appreciate your involvement in the funeral arrangements. You could even stay back after the ceremony to help the family get back to routine life. Sympathy for a Dear One Who Has Gone Missing If your friend or relative has gone missing, do every bit to help find them. Offer to talk to the local police, or help trace friends who last met the missing person. At the same time, express words of hope and encouragement. You could also help the grieving family get on with their lives to bring some normalcy. Dont speak of negative outcomes, even if you feel they are likely. Miracles happen, especially if you have faith. If you find the grieving family despairing, help them stay optimistic. Dont back out on promises. Even if you are not in a position to help the family, you can always send encouraging quotes about life. Let them know how you feel for their sorrow. If you are religious, you can also say a special prayer, asking God to help your loved ones through their difficult times. Offer Words of Support to a Heartbroken Loved One Heartbreak can be very depressing. If your friend is going through a bad patch in her love life, you can be the pillar of support. Your friend may need more than just a shoulder to cry on. If you find your friend slipping into a vortex of self-pity and depression, help her overcome the grief. Use these breakup quotes to brighten her mood. Or you can cheer her up with funny breakup quotes. Brooding often causes a person to despair. Take your friend to a mall, or a funny movie, to cheer her up. You could even help a friend whos suffering from chronic depression by allowing her to break some chinaware. It can be a great release to fling the china pots and plates on the ground and watch them break into smithereens.When you feel that your friend has overcome her sadness, help her rebound by introducing her to new people. She may find new friends a refreshing change, and who knows she may be ready to date again. Sympathy Quotes Offer Solace to the Grief Stricken Words may seem empty, but sometimes they are the best balm for the grieving soul. These sympathy quotes offer stability, hope, and strength. They remind us that life is good, and we are blessed. There is a silver lining to every grey cloud. Happiness and sadness are integral to life; they make us resilient, compassionate, and humble. Use these sympathy quotes in funeral speeches, obituaries, or in condolence messages. Express your grief eloquently; teach others how to stand tall during tough times. Stay dignified in moments of crisis. Corrie Ten BoomWorry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength. Marcel ProustMemory nourishes the heart, and grief abates. Jane Welsh CarlyleNever does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort for great bereavement. I will not try it. Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother. Thomas MooreWith what a deep devotedness of woeI wept thy absence - oer and oer againThinking of thee, still thee, till thought grew pain,And memory, like a drop that, night and day,Falls cold and ceaseless, wore my heart away! Oscar WildeIf there was less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world. Edmund BurkeNext to love, sympathy is the divinest passion of the human heart. Kahlil GibranOh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains. Dr. Charles Henry ParkhurstSympathy is two hearts tugging at one load. Antoine de Saint-ExuperyHe who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man. John GalsworthyWhen Man evolved Pity, he did a queer thing deprived himself of the power of living life as it is without wishing it to become something different. Marcus Tullius CiceroThe rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks and trying to benefit the other, always using friendly and sincere words. William JamesThe community stagnates without the impulse of the individual. The impulse dies away without the sympathy of the community. William ShakespeareWhen sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions. Robert Louis StevensonLike a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow. Julie BurchillTears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life has been lived completely honestly, completely successfully, or just completely, the correct response to deaths perfect punctuation mark is a smile. Leo BuscagliaI know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love. Thomas AquinasSorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine. Victor HugoSorrow is a fruit. God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it. Alfred Lord TennysonA sorrows crown of sorrow is remembering happier times. Laura Ingalls WilderRemember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then dont remember me at all. Ann LandersPeople who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim. Johann Wolfgang von GoetheOnly by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid. VoltaireTears are the silent language of grief.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Love letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Love letter - Essay Example I did not want things to become awkward between us, so I have been keeping my feelings inside. However, due to the strength of our friendship, I feel that I would be insulting you and our friendship if I did not confide in you about how I feel. We have been through so much together, growing up together, and my feelings for you have only increased over the years. While I would love something more to come from our friendship, if you do not return my feelings, then I would like your help in figuring out what I should do about these feelings that I have been having. Your friendship means a lot to me as it is; I would rather have you as just a friend, rather than nothing, so I am willing to make this work in whatever way you feel comfortable with, and that we can further benefit our friendship. I do not want my feelings to get in the way of an already amazing friendship. If you are willing to, I would also be willing to give us a try without others knowing. We can try out something more than a friendship under the radar, just until we can know if we can work this out or not. We could keep this on the down low until we understand more of what we want to do, and if we want to further our relationship. Again, if you are unwilling to do this, then I am up to working out something else with you. I would like to take our friendship to the next level, yet I also want to protect what is already there between us; your feelings in regards to this are very important to me, and I do not want to hurt them, nor do anything that might damage the friendship that we already have. My friendship for you has grown into a deep love and respect that I could never have thought possible. I would like to see something come of this, yet I am also willing to settle on the wonderful friendship that we have always had. You will always mean a lot to me, regardless of what you are to me ââ¬â a
Tesco Plc in a Social Perspective Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Tesco Plc in a Social Perspective - Case Study Example A new breed of customers has also emerged-a market which is highly concerned on what the organization to address the needs of its stakeholders especially in the communities where it operates (Kotler 2005). As an organization which has been scrutinized for its effect in the market and competition, Tesco is pressured to launch programs which can contribute the society. The idea is to offset the harm it does to the society by investing in beneficial programs. From its foundation by John Cohen as a one-man business, Tesco PLC has ascended to the world retail industry becoming the largest British retailer based on both global and local shares. In its early years of operation, the UK-based international retailer specializes only in the distribution of food products. As it gained more market and its performance strengthened, it enhanced its portfolio by adding other goods and services to which ranges from clothing to consumer electronics to consumer financial services to internet services to internet service and consumer telecom. The phenomenal success of Tesco as a retailer is recognised even in the global arena. The company is named the world's third largest retailer lags behind Wal-mart in terms of global sales while staying ahead of other retail giants like Carrefour, and Home Depot (Tesco Plc 2007). In its 2007 Annual Report, Tesco Plc announced a total annual turn... It is estimated that in every 8 UK retail sales, 1 is spent on Tesco. The company's success and even mere existence in the strategies it employs to capture new markets and retain its current buyers. After saturating the UK market with its retail stores, the company expanded its customer base by opening up operations in foreign market abroad. The retailer sells to customers in United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, and Asia (Annual Report 2007). The company's desire to reach a larger market is highlighted through its extensive use of internet technology. This also aids the company in gaining access to a low-cost distribution system (Annual Report 2007). The development of Tesco can be divided into three distinct phases: formation; postwar development; and expansion. The first phase starts with the foundation of the company in 1919 and ends with formal opening of the first Tesco store in Burnt Oak, Edgware, London. Postwar development commences with the retailer's initial public offering (IPO). Rapid growth was witnessed as Tesco opens its first supermarket and superstore. The last phase features the rapid expansion of Tesco PLC both in new product areas and geographic region. Throughout this stage, the company utilized the new trends in global retailing to enhance its products and services. Competing in the Market Place: Tesco's Strategies 1. Four Pronged Strategy Even though it has changed so much in terms of size and operations, Tesco Plc maintains a long-term strategy since 1997. The giant retailer claims that this four-pronged strategy enables it to focus on its core operation in the United Kingdom while serving as a guideline in its expansion overseas. This long term strategy has the
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